Girl Watcher is an intermediate lesson horse and amazing trail horse. He was born on 4/27/09 and is a Tennessee Walking Horse.
Sugar is all sugar and spice! At 15 years old and 14.2 hh, she’s a perfect size for young hunter/jumpers. She is a forward moving Thoroughbred/POA cross that’s sure to…
Our resident Thoroughbred, Bob, is a 20 year old second level dressage horse that’s made for the rider looking to move up in the levels. With excellent ground manners, quiet…
This 16 year old AQHA (quarter horse) mare is the big boss of the barn. This redhead has a lot of things to say and even more to teach our…
Lady, a Tennessee Walking Horse, is a 9 year old mare has great movement for those looking for a horse with an easy and comfortable gait to ride if the…